How to Optimize Your WordPress Admin Experience For Beginners?

When you're setting up a WordPress site for your non-tech savvy users, it becomes needful to customize the admin panel in a manner that it could help those users easily manage the site.

As a WordPress developer, you'll get to work for clients having familiarity with WordPress and ones that don’t have any clue about managing a WP site. So, it is imperative that your site's admin interface is customized, making it easier for users to handle their website admin dashboard screen without much hassle.

Here are a few customization that you should consider making in your admin screen:

  • Modify the login screen by adding your brand logo.

  • Get rid of the dashboard widgets that your client might not need. Instead, add a widget that provides relevant and helpful information to visitors about what your site does.

  • Remove unwanted menu items, meta boxes, etc.

You get many different WordPress hooks and functions that can be used in the code to customize the admin screen. But not all of you might have coding knowledge. Thankfully, some plugins can assist you in achieving your goals in a relatively simpler and quicker way. Some great plugins that offer WordPress customization assistance for modifying your website admin area or screen are:

1. WP Admin UI Customize

Are you searching for a plugin that helps in customizing your site's admin user interface (UI)? Then, you should give the WP Admin UI Customize plugin a try. It helps in customizing a WordPress site's management screen UI in terms of the dashboard, admin menu, admin bar, login screen, etc.

2. WP Super Edit

We all usually crave for adding more features and functions to our site. In case, you wish to have more functionality made available from your WYSIWYG visual editor, then the WP Super Edit plugin can help in achieving your needs. The plugin helps add custom-designed TinyMCE plugins as well as buttons to your website visual editor. Basically, the plugin gives you complete control over your visual editor. What's more? It comes with a drag and drop interface that helps in arranging buttons present within your WordPress visual editor, and much more.

3. Ultimate Branding

This is the perfect plugin for users who have been seeking for solutions that enable them to customize their admin screens. Also, it provides an option to customize your website front-end. As the name suggests, it the ultimate plugin for showcasing your brand. With this plugin in hand, you get the flexibility to make changes to your admin screen colors, logo, etc. throughout your website. To be more precise, it helps give a makeover to your login screen.

4. Dashboard Widgets

Last on our list is Dashboard Widgets. The plugin help provides users with information regarding their site. In addition, it allows them to create new content in a quick way. Most importantly, it helps in customizing the order of your WordPress dashboard widgets. With the Dashboard Widgets plugin, you can re-arrange the widgets without writing any code.


Remember, customizing your WordPress site's backend (or admin interface) help users customize or manage the admin screen easily. Moreover, customizing your admin area create opportunities to improve your brand visibility and a lot more. In this article, you'll get to know about four of the best plugins that will help optimize the admin experience of your WordPress site.

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